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ArtcodeDescription 1Description 2Description 3
B7483FDFirmDeck SFG rigid Type ABlue, Box of 2 x 18 gridsFirm Deck Grid, SEM sk, accept LP,RP strips fits all cycler brands e.g. Roche 480, Thermo, Bio-Rad
B7485FDFirmDeck SFG rigid Type AYellow, Box of 2 x 18 gridsFirm Deck Grid, SEM sk, accept LP,RP strips fits all cycler brands e.g. Roche 480, Thermo, Bio-Rad
B7489FDFirmDeck SFG rigid Type ABox of 2 x 18 grids (multiple usage)Firm Deck Grid, SEM sk, accept LP,RP strips fits all cycler brands e.g. Roche 480, Thermo, Bio-Rad