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ArtcodeDescription 1Description 2Description 3
B10360Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)Natural, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)
B10362Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)Red, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)
B10363Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)Blue, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)
B10364Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)Green, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)
B10365Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)Yellow, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)
B10366Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)Orange, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)
B10367Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)Violet, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)
B10368Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)Amber, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)
B10369Work Rack F81 System (81 x 1.5/2 ml)White, Box of 8 RacksWork Rack F81 system (81 x 1.5/2 ml)